

Randomize quiz fonts

Your Progress

Here is your overall progress in learning the alphabet. Green letters are those you know well, while dim letters are those you need to master—the dimmer the letter the more learning it needs.


Overall accuracy


Quizes passed


Biggest streak


Average answer speed

Showing stats for Vowels only.

Get Pro version to see all letters.

Reward Collection

Each time you finish a quiz you get a piece of Georgia as a reward. Different quizes have different rewards. Collect them all!

Want to practice all these fonts in a quiz?

Get Pro version to practice with 10 more fonts.

Letters.ge Pro

Become the ultimate Georgian letters master with Letters.ge Pro!

Features included in Pro:

Practicing different fonts

In two Georgian fonts, some letters may look completely different. Pro version comes with 10 unique fonts—enough to master all the differencies with ease.

Try for free in Vowels
Tracking your learning progress

Expand the free Vowels statistics to the whole alphabet and track your success and answer speed.

Writing the letters by hand

By writing letters, you'll get a deeper understanding of how the letters are built. It will help you recognize letters even better—and you'll be able to write and read writings in Georgian.

Special quizes

Train yourself even further with Pro quizes designed to train all the little differencies. If you master them, you'll have mastered it all!

Coming soon
More rewards!

Getting a reward is a nice way to learn a new Georgian word. With more rewards, you'll be able to learn even more words.

Our iOS app is out! Get your copy here:

What's included

Get Pro version by helping Georgia

Make a donation and get Pro version of Letters.ge in return.

20% of Georgia is occupied by Russia. LifeLine.ge helps people who live in the “fear zone” close to the occupation line. Donate $10 equivalent or higher and send a screenshot of the donation to [email protected]. I'll reply with Pro access instructions.

Donate to Lifeline.ge I have the code!

Pro version includes:
✅ Success stats for all 33 letters, 🌀 10 random fonts for all quizes, 🎯 Correct answer stats for all 33 letters, ⚡️ Answer speed stats for all 33 letters, ✍️ Practicing writing letters by hand + free access to the iOS app.

Made by Eugene Lysy in 2022

Private zone